“Tell Meliha what's on the “heart “?!” is a performative exhibition where citizens are invited to participate, to share and examine with the artist what they feel, what hurts them, what occupies them, what bothers them or to say in Bosnian jargon ‘what is in your heart (mind)’. The event is designed to be an open studio on the plateau of the History Museum for 7 days, where the artist together with visitors made inscriptions and later exhibited in the gallery space of the Museum, and publicly spoke the needs of individuals, being the voice of those who are not asked, who do not have the opportunity to say what they need as individuals in society.
The individual who creates society is the one who shapes it, who determines its values, who makes it emergent. The performative exhibition was an opportunity to be the voice of the individuals, to get rid in them all those thoughts that occupy them and make it difficult. Just saying the difficulty or problem has a kind of therapeutic power, as a kind of stress relief. The aim of the exhibition is for the individuals to understand that they have an important role shaping society. We may ask ‘what would this world be like if an individual truly mattered’? How sensitive are we as a society to the needs of the individuals? Wouldn't the state of society be better if an individual progressed?! Is the individual aware of the responsibility for the state of the society in which he lives?
“Recite Melihi šta je na ‘srcu’?!” je performativna izložba na koju su pozvani građani i građanke da se uključe i učestvuju, da s umjetnicom podijele i ispišu ono šta osjećaju, šta ih boli, okupira, smeta ili kako bi se u žargonu reklo ‘šta je na srcu’. Događaj je osmišljen da bude otovoreni atelje na platou Historijskog muzeja u trajanju od 7 dana, na kojoj je umjetnica zajedno sa posjetiteljima izrađivala natpise i poslije izložila u galerijskom prostoru muzeja, te javno izgovarala potrebe pojedinaca, uzevši ulogu glasa onih koji se ne pitaju, koji nemaju prilike da kažu šta je to što njima kao pojedincima u društvu treba.
Pojedinac koji čini društvo je onaj koji ga oblikuje, koji određuje njegove vrijednosti, koji ga čini pojavnim. Performativan izložba je prilika da se čuje glas pojedinca, da se na svojevrstan način oslobodi svih onih misli što ga okupiraju i čine poteškoću. Samo izgovaranje teškoće ili problema ima svojevrsnu terapijsku moć, kao jedna vrsta oslobađanje stresa. Cilj izložbe je da pojedinac shvati da ima bitnu ulogu o oblikovanju društva. Možemo se pitati ‘kakav bi bio ovaj svijet kad bi pojedinac doista bio važan’? Koliko smo kao društvo zaista osjetljivi na potrebe pojedinca? Ne bi li stanje društva bilo bolje da pojedinac napreduje?! Da li je pojedinac svjestan odgovornosti za stanje društva u kojem živi?